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Martin Tel

martin tel

Martin Tel is the C.F. Seabrook Director of Music at Princeton Theological Seminary. He earned an MMus from the University of Notre Dame, an MA from Calvin Theological Seminary, and a DMA from the University of Kansas. Tel is interested in congregational singing and the Psalter. His courses cover musical resources for the congregation, the Psalms in worship, and collaborative worship planning. His publications include Santo, Santo, Santo: Cantos para el pueblo de Dios / Holy, Holy, Holy: Songs for the People of God (GIA, 2019), contributing editor; Lift Up Your Hearts: Psalms Hymns and Spiritual Songs (Faith Alive, 2013), contributing editor; and Psalms for All Seasons: A Complete Psalter for Worship (CICW/Faith Alive/Brazos Press, 2012), senior editor.

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